Do you want to get fit this year? Was one of your New Year’s resolutions to do more exercise?


It’s a wonderful resolution and the benefits are limitless, including;

• Stress relief
• Clearing your mind
• Cardiovascular improvements
• Building strength/tone
• Weight loss
• Endophin release – makes you feel goooooood!

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Have you ever wondered whether you should be putting heat or ice on an injury? If so, you aren’t alone. It is one of the most common questions I am asked at the practice. You may also be wondering for how long you should apply the heat or cold and how regularly. Well, here are some answers for you!

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Experience the Benefits of Hydrotherapy
Is land-based exercise just too painful on your arthritic hips and knees? Or are you recovering from surgery that limits your ability to weight bear? Hydrotherapy could be the answer for you!

We all know that exercise and keeping strong is very important in the treatment of arthritis, post operatively or following any musculoskeletal injury. But sometimes pain in the affected joints makes it impossible to start the process of getting moving again.

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